What do you think...
>X-POP3-Rcpt: sdela@som
>Return-Path: scott.sutherland@accessone.com
>X-Sender: sutherland@accessone.com
>Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 12:46:26 -0800
>To: Scott deLahunta <sdela@ahk.nl>
>From: "Scott A. Sutherland" <scott.sutherland@accessone.com>
>Subject: Re: dance-tech discussion
>>I'm finally getting back to you regarding our proposal (Mark Coniglio and
>>myself) that we try to get some discussion going on the list. We have put
>>together a list of 20-30 of our most recent contacts in this field and will
>>send them an invitation to subscribe to the list. It is our hopes that this
>>new population will be able and willing to make the list more active. I'll
>>post you a copy of the invitation.
>Great. I'll look forward to seeing your postings.
>>As far as the list moderation you mentioned... I think your hands-off
>>approach to dealing with the signal/noise ratio seems fine. Mark and I will
>>try to post material regularly and to make connections and cross-references
>>between postings when it seems appropriate... if this sounds okay to you.
>That's fine. If there is enough interest (and material), I'll get the
>web-site for this listserv up and running. That way, you can cross
>reference with a URL.
>>By the way, what is your personal connection with this area of work --
>I worked full-time in the Department of Dance at Ohio State Uiversity for
>eight years as a dance-technologist doing software development, multimedia
>(WWW and CD ROM), and photography. I don't know if you've ever heard of
>LabanWriter (the software for editing Labanotation), but that was what they
>originally hired me to write and was my main project for most of that time.
>I've also been very active at notation and Dance & Technology conferences
>over the years. I'm currently working a more mundane job doing WWW
>database management and Mac support for a biotech company, while my wife
>completes a fellowship here in Seattle.
>Thanks to a mandate at the last Dance & Tech. conference in Toronto, I'm
>also in the process of launching an international professional organization
>for dance & technology. Bye the way, I don't yet have a contact in the
>Netherlands for that. Think you might be interested?
>Bye the way, I've been reading about the interesting things that are
>happening in the Netherlands concerning dance & technology. I'm not sure
>how these events are being advertised, but I never heard a word about them
>till it hit the listserv (unfortunately, much too late for me to attend or
>submit a paper). Please feel free to post info to the list, if you see a
>call for submissions or other information.
>- Scott
>| Scott Sutherland -- sutherland@accessone.com |
>| |
>| Macintosh Software Development - Dance Photography - Multimedia Systems |
Scott deLahunta and Susan Rethorst
Writing Research Associates, NL
Sarphatipark 26-3, 1072 PB Amsterdam, NL
ph: +31 (0)20 662 1736
fx: +31 (0)20 612 8778
email: sdela@ahk.nl