list activity...

Scott deLahunta (
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 16:27:28 +0100

It's great to see the list coming alive a bit. A few days ago, Mark Coniglio
sent a posting to this list about the website resource for artists and
others who are interested in Dance and Technology that we are working on
jointly. Given the small surge of activity suddenly on this list, we have
decided that we should go public with the 'alpha release' version of this
site now, which is -- so that folks can get
a sense of what we are up to. Those of you who have been around for a bit,
will recognise similarities with the Dance and Technology website at Ohio
University which has not been active so much over the last couple of years,
but which has an interesting bibliography up through 1980 and a great list
of 'who's who'. That site URL is\

As Mark mentioned, we also intend to send an invitation to several artists
worldwide who are doing work related to dance and technology, encouraging
them to join this list. I work in Europe and, in the last eight months, have
seen and been involved in an increasing number of activities here in the
area of 'dance and technology', and I'm hoping all of my new contacts will
join the discussions on this list. We will be sending this invitation out
soon (in fact, some of you may be receiving it).

So, please visit our very in-progress site. We welcome and need your
feedback and suggestions... and if you have material you would like to see
included in one of the sections, artist's pages, bibliography, events, etc.,
please submit it to us.


Scott deLahunta and Susan Rethorst
Writing Research Associates, NL
Sarphatipark 26-3, 1072 PB Amsterdam, NL
ph: +31 (0)20 662 1736