disturbances in spaces

Thecla Schiphorst (thecla@cs.sfu.ca)
Wed, 21 May 1997 20:29:46 -0800

>this means a model of the space one is performing in. for example, at UCLA
>almost every performnce happens in dance 200. once one creates a model of
>the interior of the dance 200 building then the lighting, set, etc. design
>can be simulated for every performance there after in that space.

simulation is inherently a radically different strategy than exploration
i have also used lifeforms well actually , ever since it existed (!!) and have
have been drawn to explore movement possibilites, not predefining
a space, but squeezing, eeking, listening, revealing, uncovering, disturbing
yes disturbing, what predefined space might already exist, to find
even impossible spaces,

>this would means for most "resident' companies to model their home theatre.

it is possible to do this, but not necessary, so much exploration can
be accomplished without the 're-literalizing' of our physcial spaces
into our virtual spaces .... other things can happen there,
..... like disturbances ...


thecla schiphorst
1128 rose street
vancouver bc canada
V5L 4K8

phone 604 251 9630
fax 604 251 4618