Re: if Fokine had a mac

Sarah Morrison (
Thu, 22 May 1997 13:53:20 -0500

nik wrote:
> what would isadora duncan, leon baskt, jean cocteau, diagaliv (sp?),
> ninjinski, ninjinska, balanchine, etc. do with todays technology?
> peas and luv,
> nik

Part of the beauty of who these people were was the time period that
they were in. As far as I'm concerned, this is a moot question - I
don't think I would WANT to know what they would do with today's
technology - because what they did with their cultutre was exactly what
makes me love them.
Dance has always been a reflection of the culture around us. From
Grecians dancing at festivals to American Indians dancing around their
fires, to classical ballet, to "contemporary" dance. For this reason -
I believe that dance has started to use technology - and will continue
to grow and change and evolve based on our changing culture (which is
rapidly encompassing cyberspace and information technology).
Let's not ask what isadora duncan, leon baskt, jean cocteau,
ninjinski, ninjinska, balanchine, etc. would do with todays
technology, But instead, let's ask "what will WE do with today's
technology?" "And what do we, as artists, BRING to today's technology?"

Sarah Morrison
Cleveland, OH