ICKL 20th Conference to be held in Asia

marion Bastien (marion-b@imaginet.fr)
Thu, 5 Jun 1997 19:59:56 +0100


ICKL 20th Conference to be held in Asia

The twentieth biennial conference of the International Council of
Kinetography Laban (ICKL) will take place August 8-14 at the Hong Kong
Academy of Performing Arts, during the Dance On '97 international event .
This conference, devoted to the exploration and application of Laban's
brilliant system of dance notation, is the very first to be held in the
Pacific Rim. The decision to meet in Asia was taken to meet the needs of
the growing use and number of users in this part of the world.
Attending will be practitioners from: Canada, China, France, Great-Britain,
Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macao, Phillipines, Spain,
Taiwan, United States.
In addition to technical discussions of the system, each day of the
conference will revolve around a particular issue such as teaching
strategies, technological advance and applications, recording mime,
analytical approaches stressing the cross cultural, reading studies in
traditional dance, issues in reconstruction, etc. Said ICKL Chair Muriel
Topaz, "We expect the conference to be a fascinating and exhilarating
experience as we all have so much to learn from one another. It will be
particularly memorable in light of the fact that we will meet in Hong Kong
just one month after the change of the regimes."

Contact: Marion Bastien, ICKL Secretary <marion-b@imaginet.fr>

marion Bastien, 14 avenue des gobelins, 75005 Paris, France
Tel/Fax: 33 (1) 47 07 72 25