Re: thanx

nik (
Sat, 30 Aug 1997 07:13:18 -0700


>Have you received much information from dance companies, and
>organisations in Australia?

No the primary source of my info came from searching 501 c 3 tax records for
dance info since many dance orgs. in the US are also non-profits.
Unfortunately, this means US orgs dominate at present. But i will translate
just these database pages into spanish and portuguese and look for people
to translate the search/input pages into other languages as well.

Also the US tax code does not characterize their data by dance - rather by
"cultural performances" and similar catagories. It is also 100 Meg of text
addresses. That's right 100 meg of address after address after address. So
its impossible to go thru by hand. This is one of the sources of funky

I will add a graphical map and field so that people can search by country
and language as well - they're in the database. But i'll wait until i get
more addresses from outside the US.

Also the input utility is being written to handle "foriegn" characters so
that one can input an e with an accent Ž and it will automatically convert
that to html to display properly but allow e vs. Ž to be equivalent in
terms of searching the database.



p.s. here is some very meager "Aussie" data

Australian Ballet

Australian Dance Council
P.O. Box 45
Braddon , ACT 2612

Australian Dance Review
P.O. Box 408
Toongabbie , New South Wales 2146

Austrian Folk Dancing

Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia
P.O. Box 218
Pyrmont , New South Wales 2009

Bloch's Austrialia
818 So. Broadway, 9th Floor
Los Angeles , California

Dance Australia
1721 Bellevue Street
Surry Hills , New South Wales 2010

DNA Dance Network Australia

Mail the Command Info DNA to

West Australia Ballet Company

~ voices

UCLA Youth Enhancement Service's political and media

~ the dnc project - dance, networks, computing

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