Thanks to Darren, Richard, Nik, Richard, David, Scott (deLahunta) and our
moderate moderator Scott for fine comments on the little debate about how
serious or private we might be in our public exchanges. I have much enjoyed
the conversations and exchanges in the past, noticed some of the more
personal feedbacks or dates [why not], puzzled over certain silences,
appreciated the heavy controversies and the way our membership has always
found ways to move on productively, even with a little bit of repetition
sometimes (as we grow to be expert choreographers of deletion).
As far as I am concerned, no changes (moderation) necessary at all.
My own face2face dates last weekend in New York (I was the only one who
drank coffeee, though) were very enjoyable, I think such meetings are
necessary and inspiring, and I had my rose petals in my pocket from Pina
Bausch's "Fensterputzer." I will try to write about Pina's new piece, if I
get my memories together. Thanks also to Mark for mentioning the
Rauschenberg exhibit at Guggenheim. I stayed for hours. Watching the
archival footage from Rauschenberg's work of the 50s/60s (his own
choreography) and his collaborations with Taylor, Cunningham, and Trisha
Brown. I left with many odd feelings about seeing the Judson Church
experiments, with photos and films of the wonderful, and sometimes clunky,
pieces they did, including the tennis match choreography with rackets that
had radio transmitters attached to them. It would interest me how we can
think/write about, say, the relationship between a work like "Set/Reset (T.
Brown"/Rauschenberg) and Meg Stuart/Gary Hill's new collaboration. Scott
seems to indicate that the latter was disappointing, and a more in-depth
review would be welcome.
May I ask again why noone has written a response/feedback to the Bryant
Park (Stephan K.) performance and transmission?
Johannes Birringer
AlienNation Co./DDA Studio
518 Hawthorne #2
Houston, TX 77006 USA
tel/fax +1 713 521 3325