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What happens in a two-character play when
one of the characters is played by a computer?
It / I
by Claudio Pinhanez
a computer theater play
OPENING THIS WEEK at the MIT Media Laboratory (the "Cube").
Nov. 21 (Fri) 8pm 22 (Sat) 8pm Nov. 23 (Sun) 3pm
Free to the public.
"It/I" portrays two characters, "I" (played by a human actor) and "It"
(played by a computer) in a pantomime about the relation between
people and technology. The play is part of a project in Prof. Aaron
Bobick's group at the MIT Media Laboratory on integrating computers
into theater through computer vision and artificial intelligence.
The computer playing "It" monitors the scene with video cameras and
reacts to "I"'s actions by displaying real time computer graphics
objects and synthesizing sound. After the play (which lasts
approximately 30 minutes), the public is invited to go up on the stage
and interact with "It".
Philippe Villers Experimental Media Facility ("The Cube")
MIT Media Laboratory 20 Ames St. Cambridge, MA.
Tel: (617) 253-0485 E-mail:
(forgive me for multiple postings)
by Claudio Pinhanez
with Joshua Pritchard
Direction: Claudio Pinhanez
Production: Aaron Bobick
Technology Advisor: Aaron Bobick
Theatrical Advisor: Janet Sonenberg
Art Direction: Raquel Coelho
Scenic and Costuming Technical Direction: Leslie Bondaryk
Vision Systems: John Liu and Chris Bentzel
Control Technology: Claudio Pinhanez
Lighting Design: Richard Marcus
Sound Design and Video Direction: Freedom Baird
Piano and Music: Monica Pinhanez
Computer Characters: Raquel Coelho
Animation: Claudio Pinhanez
Technical Support: Jim Davis
Technical Assistants: Alicia Volpicelli and Nick Feamster
Graphic Design: Andrew Wilson
This work is supported by the Media Laboratory's Digital Life
consortium, in collaboration with the MIT Music and Theater Arts
-- Claudio PinhanezMIT - Media Laboratory 20 Ames Street - Room E15-368C Cambridge - Massachusetts MA 02139 - USA
Tel: (617) 253-0335 Fax: (617) 253-8874 E-mail: URL (research): (personal):