Dance Education and Technology Call for Papers

Keitha Donnelly Manning (
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 23:55:37 -0500

Dance Education and Technology: Dancing with the Mouse
National Dance Association Proposal Deadline - February 1, 1998

Submitting your idea . . .

This Call for Presentations is your invitation to submit a written
programming idea that you can develop into a paper presentation,
performance, roundtable, panel, etc. for the 1998 Dance In Education and
Technology: Dancing with the mouse Conference, October 9-11,1998, at
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina. This conference will be
an exceptional opportunity for dance educators and dance technologists
to meet and discuss the present and future needs of the discipline,
while exploring the probable directions for dance education.

This conference is intended for dance educators, dance technologists,
and studio and private sector dance educators at all levels and
settings. Paper presentations, roundtables, panels, performances, etc.
should demonstrate innovative concepts and treatment within dance
education, dance technology, and educational dance performance utilizing
technology. Included within these parameters could be presentations on
dance for the differently abled, software for dance, performances which
utilize technology, educational collaborations with related arts,
copyright, polycultural information, distance education, Internet, and
multidisciplinary programing. Technologists should plan a complementary
"hands on" session linked with their presentations to be given in either
the Macintosh or PC labs adjacent to the presentation auditorium. Skills
required for production of educational software will be an integral
factor of this conference.

The number of presentations which an individual can give during any one
conference is limited to one. This will be permit the greatest input
from the field during the conference and in the published proceedings.
Electronic proposal forms can be requested from and returned to Keitha
Manning at Hard copy proposal forms can be requested from
and sent to: Dr. Jody Lunt, Winthrop University, Department of Dance
and Theatre, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730. Both types of proposals
are due by February 1, 1998. Notification of acceptance will be sent by
March 15, 1998.

Membership/Registration Requirements:
There is no fee to submit a presentation proposal. Individuals selected
as presenters who are involved in the discipline of dance, are expected
to pay their own travel costs and the conference registration fee as a
current member of the National Dance Association.

Fax Dr. Jody Lunt - 803-323-2560
Email Dr. Keitha Manning at
Internet (updates)
Mail Dr. Jody Lunt, Winthrop University, Department of
Dance and Theatre, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730


October 9-11, 1998 ð 1998 DE&T Presentation Submission Form
Dance Education and Technology: Dancing with the mouse

1. Program Title:


2. Attach a brief description (100 words or less) of the program which
a) purpose of the program b) learning objective c) target audience d)
method of presentation e) outline of session content and time sequence
f) focus on the attendee benefits of this session

3. Is this program appropriate for continuing education credit?
( )Y ( ) N

If yes, attach a brief description of the program which
includes: a) program title b) program description c) topic area
recommendation d) program learning objectives e) outline of program
content and time sequence F) short biography of program speakers

4. Submitted by: (include this information for each speaker &
presider. Attach/Insert additions

Name _______________________________
NDA Membership #______________
Association Affiliation(s):_____________________________________
Home Address __________________________________________________________
City _____________________________State __________ Zip _______
(H) Phone (____)______________ (W) Phone (_____)________________
Work Address __________________________________________________________
City _____________________________State __________Zip ________
(H) Phone (____)______________(W) Phone (_____)_________________
Job title & work location (i.e., Instructor, Dance Education, South
Hill, SC) __________________________________________________________

5. Have you previously presented a program at an NDA Conference?
___ NO (If yes, where?)____ State____ District __ National Convention

6. Attendance Limited to: __________
7. Attach all speaker(s).
a. Primary speaker (this individual will be responsible for
corresponding with all program participants regarding this program).

b. List all other program speakers.

8. PROGRAM FORMAT: (check one)
__ Panel Discussion, __ Lecture, ___ Lecture with computer,
__ Computer Lab, __ Roundtable, __ Activity Participation,
__ Poster Session

9. EQUIPMENT REQUEST: (check all that apply)
__ No Audio/Visual equipment, __ 35mm slide projector w/stand,
__ flip Chart (includes easel),
__ Overhead projector w/stand, __ Screen, __ Cassette tape player,
__ Compact Disc Player, __ VHS video cassette player & monitor w/stand
__ Preferred date and time (subject to approval)

11. MEETING ROOM SETUP DESCRIPTION: (indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice)
____________ Theatre seating
____________ Theatre seating with demonstration area at front of room
____________ Open area with perimeter seating
____________ Roundtables

12. ___ Check here if a participant needs special accommodations due to
a disability. Attach an explanation of the special requirements needed.

13. ___ Special setup required (subject to approval). Please attach a

14. Presenter acknowledgment: I understand that if my proposal is
accepted for presentation at the 1998 Dance Education and Technology
Conference that I am responsible for paying all travel-related
convention expenses and the required registration fee. I certify that I
am a current member of NDA.

Signature: __________________________ (electronically typed)

DEADLINE: Proposals must be postmarked by February 1, 1998.

Return to: Dr. Jody Lunt, Winthrop University, Department of Dance and
Theatre, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730

Electronically: Keitha Manning,

To Join NDA please contact:
Judy Oberle, National Dance Association, 1900 Association
Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 703-476-3436


Date Reviewed____Date Acknowledged ___
Forwarded to: ____________________
Accepted __Y __N Date Confirmed ______