Re: Interactive Performance

Darren Kelly (
Tue, 23 Dec 1997 20:49:49 +0100 (MET)

> What would be the ultimate environment for you to interact with such triggers?

Dear Philip,

You are dealing here with infinities. There is no _ultimate_ environment.

If you consider the problem in the most general way, there is an infinite
set of physical quantities (position, velocity, acceleration, temperature,
pressure, various energy forms, ...) that can be measured and "mapped" to
a desired performance _quantity_ (music/light/smoke/smell/...). There are
many different sensors for measuring those quantities and many different
"filtering" methods (usually software) for translating those into
something an audience might perceive.

To some extent it's just a matter of choosing a method suited to achieving
YOUR desired performance idiom. This notion however implies that fantasy
comes first and that the technology supplies the answer, which is not
always the case; sometimes experimenting with the technology suggests
useful performance concepts.


Darren Kelly | | |
| \ 0 / |
DESY -MPY- (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) | * o |
Notkestr.85 | - D E S Y - |
22603 Hamburg | o * |
Germany | / O \ |
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phone: +49-40-8998-4569 | |
fax: +49-40-8998-4305 <--Note change | |
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Amandastr.40a, | HOME |
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