RE: dance and butter

JL & LH (
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 14:52:02 -0400

Phone/fax: ++ 1 (212) 706 0191

Isn't courage and purpose wonderful!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bud Blumenthal []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 7:57 AM
Subject: dance and butter

In my resturant I serve butter that is made from mashed grape rinds. What
most people call butter I call cow spread. Of course I have to do a lot of
explaining to new diners. For instance, in my menu what most people call
broccoli, it is written cauliflower and what most people call cauliflower
we name broccoli. I don't serve alcoholic drinks so a dark grape juice is
our wine. Except for the few Europeans that venture in most people don't
object. I think they humor me. That is until it gets to the topic of water,
which I won't go into. Let's just say that for some reason poeple draw the
line with water.

I don't care what people think. In my resturant I call things the way I
call them. I realise that I am marginal. That's my destiny and I accept it.
I've learned not to lose too much energy debating the apellation of the
food I serve, I just nod my head up and down to indicate that I disagree
with their objections over my misleading them and most people leave it at
that. They normally finish by saying that while the experience was curious
even a bit entertaining, they won't be returning to dance in my alluminum



Bud Blumenthal
Cie Tandem asbl
58 rue de la Lys
1080 Brussels, Belgium
T: 32 / 2 / 425 89 37
Fx: 32 / 2 425 89 39