this message is a general request :
I'm actually working under the direction of Louise Poissant at the
Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on a project of an electronic
dictionnary called : "DICTIONNAIRE DES ARTS MEDIATIQUES". I'm covering
the dance section (of course dance and the technologies of all kind) and
I'm well advance in the research of NEW WORDS on this subject.
If anyone of you have suggestions, ideas, words or definitions
concerning dance and the technologies please address it to me via the
list or by e-mail :
For your information, there is a french paper edited version of this
dictionary and the bilingual electronic version (internet) is under
way. It contain words used in media art such as MIDI, wireframe,
modelling, sensors, interactive etc.
Even if it doesn't contain specifically company names or artists there
is a section called "Works"(that contains for example David Rokeby) and
another one called "Commentaries" . If you want, you can send me any
informations about you or your compagny (as much as possible : resume,
history, description of the works and projects done or to be, credits,
systems used, tools, philosophy, performances etc.). Videos are
appreciated because it helps us judging the quality and the pertinence
of the submission. We will pay attention to each answer we'll get.
Finally, note that if the informations you sent me doesn't at the end
appear on the dictionnary, it might be used for other purposes such as a
book on history in dance and technologies or another dictionnary
specifically on artists, companies and their works, two projects that
are at an initial phase.
Thank you in advance for your collaboration and please write back
anytime by e-mail for further questions or suggestions about the
dictionnary or dance and tehnologies.
Diane Leduc, b.arch., m.arts(danse)