Changing name and the premiere!

Regina Miranda (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 01:43:19 -0400

Dear members of the list and mainly the ones that working with me,                                      
Hello! I've been away from awhile because I'm now in Brazil, and many things happened over here that I needed to clarify before talking with you.
First of all I've changed the name of our new dance from "Virtual Dervishes" to GHAZAL, that is the traditional form of the Persian lyric poetry. I'm following the rules of a ghazal to construct the work and thought I could used it to express what holds  the work together but is not directly seen. And I love the name...It has such a beautiful sound.
The second thing will permit us to work better together: Our première in Rio was postponed to November, because the renovation that is going on in the theatre is not ready. I really welcomed to have more time to explore our internet collaboration and hope that, with this delay, more people will have time to come together for this "dance".                                 
Hope to hear from you soon,
Sincerely, Regina