A two day conference-event held in response to practical and theoretical
changes in the expanding field of choreography. Appealing to those working
in multimedia, new media and/or performing arts world.
Spread over a weekend SHIFTS will feature art works created especially for
the event, informal talks from highly experienced individuals as well as
newcomers to the arts scene, lecture demonstrations, installation-pieces,
beer and bagels, and round-table discussions.
For further information and/or expressing interest in contributing to
'SHIFTS'00'(papers, performance, CD-ROMS, presentations, etc.…) contact the
Barriedale Operahouse on 0181 858 0681 or mail@barriedaleoperahouse.com
What: SHIFTS'00 - Shifts in Choreography
When: 15th /1/2000; 2-10pm
16th /1/2000; 2-8pm
Where: Chisenhale Dance Space
64-84 Chisenhale Road
E3 5QZ London
Admission: voluntary donations between 0-5£
Visit SHIFTS new forum-website (from Dec. 1999 onwards):
SHIFTS'00 is supported by: BOH , ACE and Chisenhale
Barriedale Operahouse Ini. Ltd.
Borough Hall;Royal Hill;SE10 8RT London
T: 0181 858 0681 / F: 0181 858 0621
artistic direction /
creative services /
choreographic r+d