As some of you know, this mailing list disappeared for a couple of months starting late last November. There were well over a hundred people subscribed at the time, but the subscriber list was started from scratch again when dance-tech was revived. It has become clear that the folks at OSU (who host this list) are unable to recover the old subscription list, so I am rebuilding it from my records. Since you are already subscribed to this list, you should not notice any difference, but please bring it to my attention if you experience any problems posting or if you stop receiving messages.
** Problems Posting? **
I understand that a few people have had problems posting to the list. If this happens to you, please simply forward the *entire* error message to me and I will fix the problem. Without the error message, there's often not much I can do. I'll also be happy to forward mail to the list for you while the problem is being taken care of.
- Scott
--- Scott A. Sutherland -- Dance-Tech List Administrator