I too am charmed by the notions presented here, but deepy troubled by them
too. If not taken too literally, they are really not too far from own
concerns with making environments in which biological organisms can
function and exert an influence. Taken literally, the body and the organic
have little or no place in the magic worlds soon to be conjured up by
ever-developing technologies. I think the emergence of virtual worlds that
are immersive, but which do not demand invasive technologies such as
goggles and gloves are exciting - and in some ways this is precisely the
kind of virtuality in which my own work revels. Somehow, though, the idea
that our bodies will succumb to a greater technological all-embracing
cyberspace seems a retrogressive one to me, a capitulation to the power of
technology rather than a taming of it. Maybe I just have a limited
imagination, but I worry about the loss of sensuality, of losing the
_infusion_ of the physical into every level of my work.
R i c h a r d P o v a l l
Assoc. Prof of Computer Music and New Media
MPO Box 0332 TIMARA/Studio 5
Oberlin, OH 44074-0332 USA Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Voice: +1.216.775.1016 Oberlin College
Fax: +1.216.775.8942 Oberlin, OH 44074 USA
email: Richard.Povall@oberlin.edu
website: http://timara.con.oberlin.edu/~RPovall/RPHome.html
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