Re: hello

Richard Povall (
Tue, 20 May 1997 14:15:27 -0400

>I say this because I am concerned ballet, which I believe is a beautiful
>and joyous art form will be left behind and become extinct if it does
>not in some way incorporate technology and I have no idea how or who.

What about the work of the Frankfurt Ballet and William Forsyth? There
technology is not only being used in performance, but being used as
rehearsal and dramaturgical tools also. I don't think ballet need
necessarily be left out of experimentation with technology as one of its
developmental tools. Certainly it is a form that stresses the past - but
so does much modern dance (doesn't it?)


R i c h a r d P o v a l l
Assoc. Prof of Computer Music and New Media
MPO Box 0332 TIMARA/Studio 5
Oberlin, OH 44074-0332 USA Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Voice: +1.216.775.1016 Oberlin College
Fax: +1.216.775.8942 Oberlin, OH 44074 USA
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