attention virus!!

Bud Blumenthal (
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 00:46:28 +0100 (MET)

>Subject: Attention VIRUS!!!
>Reu ce message d'un ami franais :
>si vous recevez un e-mail intitul "WIN A HOLIDAY" (gagnez des
>vacances), NE L'OUVREZ PAS, il contient un nouveau VIRUS qui va effacer
>l'intgralit de votre disque dur. Ceci est un virus nouveau, trs
>nocif, que peu de gens connaissent. Cette information a t rendue
>publique par Microsoft le 8 mars. changez cette information avec tous
>ceux que vous connaissez qui ont accs internet.

Jo says here that he has heard from a french friend that:

If you receive an E-mail entitled "WIN A HOLIDAY" ---DON'T OPEN IT!!!
it contains a new virus that will erease the contents of your entire hard
disk. It is a new virus, very dangerous that few people know about. This
information was published by Microsoft on the 8th of March. Pass it on to
all you know who are on the net.

in freindship

Cie. TANDEM asbl
58 rue de la Lys
1080 Brussels, Belgium
T: 32,2,425 89 37
Fx:32,2,425 89 39
artistic direction: Michle Noiret and Bud Blumenthal
administration: Christophe Slagmuylder