D&TZ Mailing List Archive by subject
Starting: Thu 01 Jan 1998 - 14:36:17
Ending: Sun 07 Mar 1999 - 12:39:56
Messages: 1096
- "body net quest"
- "Imagine You Later"
- "interactive software" available (free)
- 'media archaeology'
- (1) request info on interactive floor;
- (1) request info on interactive floor; (2) Interactivity benefits
- (1) request info on interactive floor; (2) Interactivity benefits the PLAYER mos
- (Fwd) fwd: FW: Don't Quote Me....
- (no subject)
- 3D/analysis program needed for doctoral student
- <nettime> algorithms for dance
- a momentary pause
- a momentary pause... ooopppsss
- A moving experience?
- a new thread
- A note from the dance-tech administrator
- A note from the dance-tech moderator
- A performance you should see if you can
- advice threading
- Advice, please
- Advice, please/reflection
- algorithms and bodies
- algorithms for dance
- Alinear Plants
- An administrative note from the dance-tech moderator
- An organized solution
- An organized solution [administration]
- analog to MIDI/serial converter
- Anybody Interested?
- apologies
- apolologies !
- Application Deadlines Announced for UCLA Fellowships and NIPAD
- architects, the interactive and new places
- are u in vancouver
- ARS Electronica Festival 98
- Artduplex Brussels-Montreal
- Arts and Technology
- attention virus!!
- Auto-HTML
- babe thread
- back on the air
- Balanchine Foundation News
- Barthes
- best wishes
- body mécanique: artistic exploration of digital realms
- body net quest
- boycott
- brainwaves
- brainwaves - can you tell us more?
- brainwaves - NOT
- Call for participants
- Call for participants (dancers)
- Call For Project Partners
- CBS Olympics coverage
- CFP: AAHC National Conference (fwd)
- Chichester
- chichester day 5
- chichester day 7
- Chichester lab
- chichester website....
- Chichester Workshop Finish
- children
- Choregraphy Software
- choreographer collaborations
- choreographers and composers
- choreographers and composers/rhythm and lala Human Steps
- Choreographic process
- Choreography vs. Composition (and environments)
- closure
- Company In Space performance in Australia
- Computer Music Marathon
- Computer processed digital video for dance documentation
- concert
- Congradulations from the dance-tech moderator.
- content over technology
- Creating Roots/Cross Routes
- Creative Assemblage
- Crutches
- Crutches2
- cthugha URL
- Cyberculture Studies (fwd)
- D&T workshops for Secondary Dance teachers
- dance and fashion
- Dance at LSC and in Europe
- Dance Critics Association Conference
- dance for the camera
- Dance for the Camera Festivals
- Dance Server
- Dance Software
- Dance Tech Archive
- Dance Tech Article
- Dance Tech curriculum/content
- Dance Tech curriculum/content 2
- Dance Tech Subjects
- Dance, Algorithms, Mathematics, AI et al.
- dance-tech query
- Dance/Tech in HE
- Dance/tech show from 27 June 1998: London
- dance/tech/ed
- dance/tech/education
- dance/tech/education (warning: quite long)
- dance/technology workshop
- danceonline/ kinesthetic response
- danceweb
- Dancing with the Mouse Conference
- Darren's resolution -- was [Plants = Infinity]
- data dances in denmark
- DD98 news
- Dick Higgins, Fluxus Co-Founder, Dies (fwd)
- DIEM Digital Dance Interface
- Digital Dancing 98 showings
- Digital Dancing in Sweden
- Digital Summer '98
- Digital Undergroung (LONDON)
- digital video
- Digital Video Camera
- DNB on the Move
- Don't Forget PowerModels
- Drawing and Performance
- dtz activity...
- DTZ, new articles
- economic barriers
- Educational Apps.
- Elektrode system offer
- emotional media/ update
- euro-art-media-tech prize
- event for may
- Events for April?
- events...
- exhibition/concert
- Explore the Process!
- eye tracking
- fact checking
- favorite internet sites.
- FINALLY - The Mouse has started Dancing
- For events listings
- For Lesley Wheeler
- Forsythe Perspective
- Forsythe Study Day and CD-ROM
- forthcoming conferences?
- Forwarding: FINAL CALL!! Residencies for Media Artists in UK,
- from Sophia Lycouris
- from Sue Kozel/ Kirk Woolford: showing in NYC
- from: Lisbon
- Funding petition
- Future Dance-Tech events/1999
- future moves/ deaf98
- FW: use of the net in creating/presenting dances
- Getting to the States and UK
- Good News Life Forms 3 is Shipping for the Mac on...
- hand drawn spaces
- Hand Drawn Spaces-Get Involved
- Hand-drawn Spaces at Wexner Center for the Arts
- help needed - how to optimise compression for Quicktime dance
- help with lighting
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Hi babe!
- History of Dance and technology
- history/multimedia
- How do you all feel about advertisements?
- I will be in the States April 10-20
- IDAT 99
- IDAT 99 server seems to be down
- idat/ vid conference/ experimentarium
- IDAT99 and no budget
- IDAT99 and no budget]
- Image/ine workshop
- In the lecture circuit
- info
- Intacte
- Interactive Performance
- Interesting Director Xtra
- INTERFERENCE calling (again)
- International Competition for Interactive Media Environment
- International Videodance Competition
- internet performance event
- internships
- Introduction
- Invitation to private presentation
- is the dancer playing the notes? - Dance Media's platform
- ISIS-Symmetry conference in Haifa
- ivisit
- jerwood spaces and telethings
- job announcement
- Job: Dance and Technology faculty position at OSU
- journal announcement
- la la la
- Lag
- LIFE 2.0 International Competition
- Life Forms - did you know?
- life forms and forms of life
- Life Forms experiments
- Life Forms PowerModels Offer has been Extended
- Life Forms, IDAT and one speal offer!
- Lifeforms 3 vs. Poser 3 & Lifeforms 3 vs Lifeforms Studio 3.
- Light Dance
- Lighting designer needed for interactive performance tour
- Live-I report
- Live-I Workshop -Feedback
- Live-I Workshop Journal
- Live-I Workshop Journal (Day 2)
- Live-I Workshop Journal (Day 3)
- Live-I Workshop Journal (Days 4 & 5)
- Llavors d'Ampolles
- looking for *lots* of dance animations
- looking for a colaboration
- looking for fashion man
- M@ggie's Love Bytes friday and sat.
- Magnetic Media Preservation Sourcebook
- Mailing List Archive
- Marketing Dance
- max and director
- max, midi and i-cube
- mea culpa
- Memories and Lags
- message confusion
- Microsoft Algorithmic Composition Patent
- Millenarium
- Minimally Invasive
- mixed means 2
- mo cap experimentation
- Moderation
- money = ability
- More Great Debate
- multimedia CD
- multimedia, mutisoftware environement
- music visualizations/Baryshnikov wired (fwd)
- My final project @ LIPA
- My performance and discussion
- Napoli Electronic choreographer
- NEA/NPR/PBS Funding - Petition
- new 'articles'
- New dance "sculpture"
- New from Credo - PowerModels
- New Technology & the Arts events july august ?
- New Topic
- New web sites & questionnaire
- new zone stuff
- News release, upcoming Palindrome premiere
- non-contact interactive music controller: pre-play authoring,
- non-contact interactive music controller: pre-play authoring, vs. play aspects
- NYC resources for dance-vid
- on my way to Barcelona
- Oops, sorry!
- open source/ browsers/ webdances
- optimising compression for Quicktime dance movies
- OT: New Character Movement Products from Credo
- OT: Free Life Forms 3 Demo Now Available!!!
- Our own best critics
- our work (fwd)
- Palindrome June Tour Dates
- pantha
- pantha / (interest in video of dance and technology)
- PARACHUTE- Under construction/Press release
- Paris Session
- Performance in China
- Performance Next Week
- performance notice
- performance of The E-Mail Dances, V 2.0 + tap
- permission for references
- picasso's bull
- pictures of (e)motion
- Please post this info
- Please turn this off)
- Position open
- Post Undergraduate Programs
- Postering
- press release e-mail/longer
- projecting/Ass in gear
- Promoting Technology
- Promoting Technology (was Pantha)
- Quarterly Archive Update
- question about electrode system
- quit list/mouVoir-company
- radio dance
- Range of current dance documentation and preservation activities
- RBlurred Boundaries
- Re(2): radio dance
- RE: <no subject>
- RE: algorithms for dance
- RE: digital video
- RE: Forsythe Study Day and CD-ROM
- RE: from: Lisbon
- RE: IDAT 99
- RE: IDAT99 and no budget
- RE: Invitation to private presentation
- RE: Lifeforms 3 vs. Poser 3 & Lifeforms 3 vs Lifeforms Studio 3.
- RE: looking for *lots* of dance animations
- RE: Quicktime compressions: two excellent websites
- RE: Range of current dance documentation and preservation activities
- RE: Tech/w.shop & Life Forms
- RE: Technology and the Arts
- RE: text/music conversion to screen projections
- RE: use of the net in creating/presenting dances
- RE: webdance again
- RE: Why dance on the Web?
- recipients <dance-tech>
- references/
- references/ National Dance Assoc.
- Related Items/ JetLab:Cyberstudio Review
- Removal from Dance-TEch
- Remove
- Research dance film
- research dance-technology /Brazil
- Research on dance & tech
- Research on dance & tech3
- Research on dance film
- Research Studentships in Performing Arts at MMU
- response to "Hi babe!"
- revival (and virus free) body net quest
- Re[2]: Introduction
- Rhizome list
- rhizome list/ html coding
- Richard Lord's site
- RoboCity
- Roland and Dimension Beam
- Searching for a book!
- seeking artist (cd-rom, animation, etc.)
- seeking web resources for digital dancing seminar
- Sharir Dance Company
- SHIFTS - a new website
- SHIFTS - Reminder
- SHIFTS- the IDAT'99 connection
- siggraph/ chichester
- Sign off?
- Slide projection
- software sample from palindrome
- Software to get MIDI into Director (MacOS)
- sorry
- Sound Video Gear in Orlando Fl
- SOUND=SPACE in Sydney
- space available in London...
- stage manager
- Stelarc's first live show in Belgium.
- stop your email
- STREB (also pretty long)
- Subscribe to DRJ
- summary of 'amazing daze'
- summertime
- Syndicate: DEAF98 info
- take heart - sneak preview of "un-named" interactive dance/music system; magic t
- tape arrived, converted, viewed once
- Tech/w.shop & Life Forms
- Technology and the Arts
- Test - please ignore
- text/music conversion to screen projections
- text/music conversion to screen projections - one more note
- text/music conversion to screen projections - try Arkaos' X<>POSE
- text/music conversion to screen projections - try Arkaos' X<>POSE software!
- Thanks!
- the development of HEARING THINGS - Aaron Williamson
- The Forsythe Perspective
- the general public
- The great Debate
- The great Debate (not about dance & tech)
- The lighting deal
- Theater and virtual worlds/cyberspace group starting (fwd)
- Trampoline commissions
- Troika In Ohio
- Troika Performs, June 4-6
- Troika Ranch @ The Kitchen / 5 March 1998
- Troika Ranch Performance (NYC)
- Ultimate Interactive
- upcoming events
- Updated Dance Tech Archive
- use of the net in creating/presenting dances
- VariationsV/Cunningham
- video from Palindrome
- video onto floor
- Video playback from Max
- videoplayback
- Virtual Dance Festival
- Virtual Exchange
- VRML for MAC?
- We are Content
- webdance again
- webdance again and again
- where to download tweener for poser?
- Whoa!
- why dance on the web?
- Wiretap 4.05
- Wither Moderation
- Working Multimedia
- Workshop
- Workshop announcement
- workshop descriptions
- workshop discussions
- workshop discussions -Reply
- Workshop Report (ZKM-Karlsruhe)
- Writers on algorithms for dance
- Wrong number
- zone/ list report
- [1]Dance/tech show from 27
- [1]performance of The E-Mai
- [1]press release e-mail/lon
- [1]Range of current dance d
- [1]RE> future moves/ deaf98
- [1]RE>Future Dance-Tech eve
- [1]RE>Quicktime compression
- [1]RE>Range of current danc
- [1]RE>RoboCity
- [1]RoboCity
- [ANN] xmidi: OMS Midi In to Director
- [Fwd: Siggraph]
- [montrealfest@fcmm.com: FCMM: Festival of new Cinema and new Media of Montreal]
- [Plants = Infinity]
Last message date: Sun 07 Mar 1999 - 12:39:56
Archived on: Sun Mar 07 1999 - 13:40:00
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.