Re: our work (fwd)

Darren Kelly (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:23:54 +0200 (MST)

> We want the computer to introduce
> new key frames between two incompatible ones that make the sequence look
> plausible.

Why not simply impose contraints on the possible steps ? The chaotic
selection must be made from a set anyway. Just introduce a mapping
from each position to all next possible positions. The chaos then selects
a path through possibilities. This, by the way, is exactly how chaotic
"motion" through quantum processes proceeds. There are infinitely
many ways to move through a finite set of possibilities. The possible
outcomes (destinies) are constrained, yet chaotically random.

This also affords the possibilty of weighting the probability of moving
from one position to another (again exactly what happens with particles
in chaotic quantum systems). Chaos doesn't imply the impossible. Why
assume dancers should make impossible transitions ? Chaotic electrons


Darren Kelly | | |
| \ 0 / |
DESY -MPY- (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) | * o |
Notkestr.85 | - D E S Y - |
22603 Hamburg | o * |
Germany | / O \ |
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phone: +49-40-8998-4569 | |
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