>>I like what you say about the intrinsic/integral feedback relationship
>>between performer (in the moment and in the movement) in the environment.
>>We could perhaps begin to have a new dance theory/vocabulary that builds on
>>this notion of the "feedback" (which is probably primarily a musical term,
>>although also used in communication science). I think that would perhaps
>>change some basic assumptions about how we see choreography or experience
>>our own relationship to the stage (is your experimentation done with a
>>"stage" or do you see such work in a different configuraion (as far as
>>audience assumptions about performance/theatre are concerned). I have
>>noticed (recently again) that grant agencies [in dance categories] refuse
>>to accept proposals for installations or computer-integrated circuits.
>Thanks Johannes for the nice remarks. In answer to your question about
>spaces, we are primarily designing the current work for a theatrical
>presentation BUT with thoughts about two different instantiations of the
>work, both of which will feed into the performance itself. These are an
>installation version, a but fuzzy at the moment, but certainly involving
>the content developed for the piece in some way as well as some more
>generalized environments, and an internet presence, which will include
>opportunities for participation by visitors. A VERY RUDIMENTARY(!) version
>of this site exists:
>R i c h a r d P o v a l l
>Assoc. Prof of Computer Music and New Media / Chair, TIMARA Dept.
>MPO Box 0332 TIMARA/Studio 5
>Oberlin, OH 44074-0332 USA Oberlin Conservatory of Music
>Voice: +1.440.775.1016 Oberlin College
>Fax: +1.440.775.8942 Oberlin, OH 44074 USA
>email: Richard.Povall@oberlin.edu
>website: http://www.timara.oberlin.edu/people/~rpovall/home.html
>====== ===== ====== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ======
>The Dartmoor Project
>High Moorland Business Centre, The Old Duchy Hotel, Princetown, Yelverton,
>Devon, PL20 6QJ UK
>Voice: +44.(0)1822.890539
>Fax: +44.(0)1822.890566
>website: http://www.timara.oberlin.edu/people/~rpovall/dartproj.html