Re: Lag

{ brad brace } (
Tue, 5 May 1998 07:40:34 -0700 (PDT)

Human consciousness possesses a high degree of complexity. It is a
phenomenon of considerable _depth._ A great deal of information is
discarded in its making. Characteristic of consciousness is its high
complexity but low information content.

Charles Bennett, the physicist, defined logical depth by the computation
time that accompanied creating anything. The longer the computation time,
the greater the depth, because depth is an expression of the a mass of
information that has been discarded. Discarding information takes time,
just as releasing a beautiful sculpture from a block of marble takes time.

Does creating consciousness also take time? Does discarding most of the
sensory information before we experience also take time?

Well, it must! So the real question is how long it takes. So if
consciousness takes time, it must constantly lag behind!

We do not live in real time at all; we experience the world with a delay.
This of course allows us to keep track of all the illusions and solve all
the binding problems: to coordinate the many different sensory data that
are processed in numerous ways via numerous channels in the brain into one
world, one experience, one object. But nevertheless it means that what we
experience is a lie. Because we do not experience the fact that our
conscious experience lags behind. (Consciousness lags behind half a
second.) (Tor Norrestranders)

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