> I was hoping that you can help me find a computer software that can
process, analyze and graphically present dance in 3-D. (I need this
software as a data collection tool in my dissertation study project) I
have gone to the internet and found reference to a software titled Life
Forms, a product by Credo, do you have any experience with this product?
> Enclosed are the specific capabilities that the software I am looking for
should have. I would appreciate any information indicating where I can
find the desired product.
> I appreciate your help in advance, and hope to hear from you at your
earliest convenience,
Galeet Westreich.
gwestreich@juno.com (Galeet B Westreich)
> I am a doctoral student, a dancer and choreographer by training who needs
a software that will do the following:
> 1. Be able to translate movement from a video camera into a 3-D
> 2. Be able to provide with an analysis of range of motion
expressed in conic sketches of the light end of the body part.
> 3. Be able to analyze the differences in range of motions of a
body part from one exercise to another, as well as provide an overall
analysis of body's movement type: direction, range, sequencing, speed
> Do you have (know of) such a product?
> Would appreciate your prompt answer A.S.A.P.
> Sincerely, Galeet Westreich.