IĞm searching for possibility to buy the following book:
ISBN 1-883034-01-9 17.95
Transcending Boundaries
Proceedings of the Conference, 18-21 May '95, York University,
Toronto edited by A. W. Smith
Does anybody know, where I could order it? I already tried amazon.com,
but it didn`t appear on their listings.
Besides that, I live in Munich, Germany, so there should be a
possibility to pay
with credit card.
Thank You very much for Your help!
Sylvia Franz
-- ________________________________________________________________ _ __ Sylvia Franz ___ (_)__ ___ ___ ___ ___ / /__ http://www.gigaperls.org / _ `/ / _ `/ _ `/ _ \/ -_) __/ (_-< Fon +49 (0)89 21869302 \_, /_/\_, /\_,_/ .__/\__/_/ /_/___/ Fax +49 (0)89 21869301 /___/ /___/ /_/ mailto:s.franz@gigaperls.org __________________________________________________________