--- diary
4 more days to go. There will be a showing of work on Saturday, so everyone
is beginning to consider what form this will take. The workshop producer/
organiser Chris Butler has made it clear she doesn't expect finished work.
The pressure is off -- but of course everyone is still wanting to show
work/works in progress which have substance, potential, etc.
For all the time participants spend in front of the computers, there has
been a remarkable amount of time spent focussed on constructing experiences
for the physical body... in the form of long video shoots in the tidal flats
of Bosham with performers working for several hours in the water and a shoot
last night at dusk with four of us buried up to our waists in the earth. We
continue with the physical warmup in the mornings. We process the captured
video material in the afternoon using bits and pieces of different computer
programs. We begin to imagine ways in which to manifest this work via
projections/ performances, etc.
Some short image flashes of projects going on today:
a. construction of wearable screens
b. choreography being made for the screen played on a midi keyboard (piano
c. location of a horse to 'deliver' data (digital simulations)
e. running cables to a computer set up in the center of a field of thistle
and yellow flowers
f. building a special bowl for a goldfish to trigger 'bigeye'
g. a storyteller rehearsing with 'bigeye' in order to be able to 'grab words
out of the air' precisely (not easy)
h. construction of a sensorium from seaweed/ latex and stones.
The BBC comes tomorrow to take a peek. We are tired, many spending 15-17
hour days here.
--- miscellaneous
If you go to the website: http://www.mignot.ndirect.co.uk you will see the
webcam 'image' has not changed which is indicating that our webcam is not
working. We have prioritized other projects so there has been little time to
configure the software correctly. There are also some 'works-in-progress'
pieces which take a long time to download over 28.8 because we haven't
crushed the gifs sufficiently.
Some suggestions for these workshops involving computers/ software: Have all
possible manuals/ books on hand for key pieces of software (premiere, etc.)
For those who are good with computers but not with a piece of software (or
even a new version) a this would enable much faster learning. Realise that
those who are more technically able will have a lot of demands on their time.
Scott deLahunta and Susan Rethorst
Writing Research Associates, NL
Sarphatipark 26-3
1072 PB Amsterdam, NL
tel: +31 (0)20 662 1736
fax: +31 (0)20 4701558
email: sdela@ahk.nl