
Imma Sarries Zgonc (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:46:26 +0000


with Imma Sˆrries i Zgonc

>From August 31st to September 11th
>From 10 to 11'30 Monday to Friday

The COS Technique can also be of great help for dancers, actors,
performers of ant kind, visual artist, computer artists, musicians,
singers, athletes, and basically anyone who wishes to have a deeper and
more complete knowledge of the self as one body and mind.

Goals: - finding the inner-outer strength: knowing where it comes from,
how to produce it, how to share it, how it make it productive.

- awareness of the body's potentials and how to enlarge them: through
strength / stamina / flexibility exercises linked to and dependent on
our breathing.

- use of our breath as source of strength, relaxation, healing and
overall as a body stimulator which is the key for a full self
potential; the key for concentration.

- listening to the body: trusting the body, knowing when to act /
react actively , or when to just observe its state seeing what it has
to say; experiencing the body from inside to outside and from outside
to inside and finding the balance.

- the whole body moving constantly: knowledge of the permanent body
activity; awareness and use of our organs and their functions, the
blood, the lymphatic system, the nerves, the glands, as much as the
bones, muscles, tendons and articulations; all explorations of body
activities through physical experience.

- discovering the voices: working with the voices from inside and
outside the body; finding their relationships with breath and energy;
learning to use them as energy potential.

- recalling the body memory: discovering what our mind has forgotten
but our body may still remember if motivated; finding a new sense of
being through opening our minds and freeing them from learned
shapes/looks, allowing the body and the mind to take time, to be
patient, but also to be pushed and activated.

- developing sensibility and perception: finding a level of
self-awareness and vulnerability which exposes us to ourselves and
increases confidence in ourselves, and then in others.

- finding self-respect and self-love: experiencing our values, our
daily achieve- ments and how it affects our daily work, our creativity
and social/political input.

- finding intimacy with ourselves as the most creative and imaginative
moment in our existence: getting ready to share our own intimacy with
the others within the working group/community.

The final and most crucial goal is to learn the importance of our
body-mind in performance; to understand it as the basic source for
creation and communication.

* The word "cos" means "body" in Catalan (my mother tongue). I am
using the word also to connect the principles explained here: Corporeal
Organic Synesthetic technique.

It will take place at:
C/ Sant Quintin 53
Barcelona , Spain

For more information conntact:
imma Sarries i Zgonc
Travessera de Grˆcia 358 52a
Tel/fax. +34-93-435 7621


Curs de Tcnica COS
-Corporeal Organic Synesthetic Technique-
amb Imma Sˆrries i Zgonc

del 31 d'Agost a l'11 de Setembre
de 10:00 a 11:30 del mat’

-La tŽcnica COS es el resultado de varios a–os de estudio y experiencia
trabajando con bailarines, actores, artistas de performance, artistas
visuales y de artes pl‡sticas, mœsicos, etc..-
ƒs una forma dâapropar el cos a una concincia quintica mŽs gran, -
utilizant principis i elements dâanatomia, amb relaci— ’ntima amb la
tcnica BMC, el Ioga i la Tcnica Alexander- entenent lâ esser humˆ
com font i receptor dâenergia activant al mˆxim la conexi— cos-ment
per guanyar en vitalitat aix’ com en qualitat de movimient i de vida,
utilizant exercicis espec’fics de fora, flexibilitat i resistncia.
Lâobjetiu crucial dâaquesta tcnica Žs apropar-nos al coneixement de la
importˆncia del nostre cos-ment dins del performance, com a font bˆsica
de creaci— i comunicaci—:
-trobant les nostres forces internes i externes aprenent a escoltar el
nostre cos, creient en ell per saber quan hem de reaccionar i quan
simplemente hem dâobservar-lo per
produ•r-les, augmentar-les i compartir-les.
-aprenent a despertar la nostra mem˜ria corporal, -concients del
moviment constant del cos a travŽs del contacte amb els ˜rgans interns
i les seves funcions, explorant
les activitats corporals mitjanant experincies f’siques- per saber
quan Žs necessari tenir pacincia o ser actius amb el nostre cos-ment.
- trobant intimitat i autorespecte, desenvolupant sensibilitat i
percepci— per guanyar confiana pr˜pia .

Tindrˆ lloc a:
C/Sant Quintin 53

per mes informaci— contacteu:

imma Sarries i Zgonc
Travessera de Grˆcia 358 52a
Tel/fax. +34-93-435 7621