Digital Dancing 98 showings

Scott deLahunta (
Mon, 02 Nov 1998 12:12:50 +0000

Forwarded from Terry Braun and Suzanne Kelly of Illuminations:

DIGITAL DANCING 98 ANNOUNCEMENT (for those of you close to London, UK)

Open showings of this year's Digital Dancing works-in-progress will take
place at 6 pm at the Jerwood Space on Friday, 6 November and 3 pm on
Saturday, 7 November. Reservations are advisable, phone Suzanne Kelly on
0171 654 0102.

The Jerwood Space is at 171 Union Street. Nearest tubes/ stations are
London Bridge, Waterloo and Waterloo East and Borough.

Update on previous information:

The Tuesday, 3 November, panel discussion on the topic of ‘dance and new
technologies in the context of higher education' will be a closed session
which will hopefully be productive in terms of developing some strategies
for networking/ exchange/ access/ research approaches, etc. Invited
participants are Christopher Bannerman (Middlesex); Ghislaine Boddington
(shinkansen); Terry Braun (Digital Dancing); Gill Clarke (Independent
Dance); Scott deLahunta [chair] (Writing Research Associates/ LCL); Celia
Duffy (Performing Arts Data Service); Jo Hyde (Dartington); Susan Kozel
(Surrey); Sue MacLennan (LCDS); Richard McNichol (London Symphony
Orchestra); Benedicte Payne (ACE); Sarah Rubidge (Chichester).