><TITLE>Re: la la la</TITLE>
>1) Does anyone else seem to have problems with the Dance and Technology
>Zone. The proxy server seems to be down.<BR>
>2) In response to Doug Rosenberg's search for La La La Human Steps, the
>company is based in Montreal, Quebec.<BR>
>Their address is: LaLaLa Human Steps<BR>
> &nb
> 5655, av. du Parc<BR>
> &nb
> Montreal, Quebec<BR>
> &nb
> (I don't have the postal code)<BR>
> &nb
> Canada<BR>
> &nb
>sp;(514) 277 9090<BR>
David Rodger: Audio Engineering; Pool Operations; Aquatics Training
EMAIL: auricle@alphalink.com.au WEB: www.alphalink.com.au/~auricle
RESEARCH -- Motion Capture in Music -- farben.latrobe.edu.au/motion/
ADZOHU -- Music and Dance from Ghana -- www.alphalink.com.au/~adzohu/
"It is always a thrill to observe music software making its descent from
the rarefied origins of a research tool, reaching its natural level as a
device to aid in the sale of alcoholic beverages." --David Zicarelli