text/music conversion to screen projections

Robert Wechsler (r.wechsler@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de)
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 11:39:03 +0100

Dear friends,

I think we have a good number of marvelous systems involving
movement-to-sound or stage lights, but our use of these expensive beamers we
are always renting is still rather under-developed.

What would help is some good software simply to convert sounds to pictures.
I know there is a lot out there, but that is the problem, where to start?
How to sift through the disco-crass and find something artistic.

Our live music includes a singer (Laurie Amat) and a cellist (Erich Kory).
Either or both could be sources for visual activity.

In one piece, "Laurie tells a story", I could invision a kind of visual
"history" of what she has said. A kind of abstract transcription left
behind on the screen as she tells her story. (her voice is vocoded at
times, and at times she sings a line or two).

Are you familiar with some possiblities? I sure would appreciate some
pointers in this.

Robert Wechsler

Robert Wechsler and Helena Zwiauer Phone: (49) 911-397472
Palindrome Inter-media Performance Group Fax: (49) 911-397472
Johannisstr. 42
90419 NŸrnberg