Re: New from Credo - PowerModels

Nick Rothwell (
9 Dec 1998 10:25:31 -0000

> You might
> have forgotten morse code (you're lucky I've never learned it) but it still
> saves many people's life. The most important thins is, in my opinion, how
> you use it. Just as you said.

I was also playing Devil's Advocate against another point which I
didn't state (but believe), which is that such old technologies can
have cultural significance even if the technology has been totally
superceded. Example: Shobana Jeyasingh has just commissioned a dance
soundtrack from Jango Bates which is composed around, and includes,
Morse Code excerpts.

> We shouldn't be afraid, we should be vigilants, aware. If we are
> just afraid we don't use tools, we don't know.


        Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL              contemporary dance projects              music synthesis and control

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