Re: max, midi and i-cube

Richard Povall (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 21:29:16 -0500

>I never have heard of MAX before either.
>Could someone please elaborate on this MAX as well.

Max is a mac-only (although Miller Puckette has released a max-like thing
for Windoze) software that provides an excellent GUI for building custom
systems. It consists of a large library of objects that can be patched
together on screen. It's a terrific way to work quickly with building
custom projects, and its particularly good at dealing with MIDI in/out and
serial in/out. It's a MIDI-oriented program.

Go to for more info

My experiences with MIDI and DIrector are mostly ugly. It can be made to
work, but it's certainly not elegant.

As I said in a previous mail, search for HyperMIDI and use those resources
to access MIDI date within a Director movie.


R i c h a r d P o v a l l
Director, Div. of Contemp. Music/Assoc. Prof of Computer Music/New Media.
Visiting Researcher, Exeter College of Art & Design, Exeter, UK.
TIMARA/Studio 5, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074 USA
Voice: +1.440.775.1016 | Fax: +1.440.775.8942