Re: 'media archaeology'

Richard Povall (
Sun, 03 May 1998 09:53:55 -0400

>I was wondering, Luke, if there was any written documentation on that first
>event, who was there, what was shown, etc. I am always keen to find out
>more of the history of our shared area of interest. If there is not written
>documentation, I know that I, and probably most folks here, would be
>interested to hear about that first conference in more detail.

There was a published proceedings from that first conference. I don't know
if there are copies still available, but the Madison folks could surely
answer that. I've got a copy somewhere on shelves...


R i c h a r d P o v a l l
Assoc. Prof of Computer Music and New Media / Chair, TIMARA Dept.
MPO Box 0332 || TIMARA/Studio 5
Oberlin, OH 44074-0332 USA || Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Voice: +1.440.775.1016 || Oberlin College
Fax: +1.440.775.8942 || Oberlin, OH 44074 USA

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The Dartmoor Project
High Moorland Business Centre, The Old Duchy Hotel, Princetown, Yelverton,
Devon, PL20 6QJ UK
Voice: +44.(0)1822.890539
Fax: +44.(0)1822.890566