Re: How do you all feel about advertisements?

Robert Wechsler (
Fri, 25 Dec 1998 01:39:43 +0100

Scott and group,

My feeling is quite in line with yours, Scott.
Short plugs, "public service announcement" -- ok, "ads" -- about concerts,
technologies, dancers looking for work, coming to Europe, and so on are of
indeed of value to us.

Whether such notices are occasional or frequent, however, it would seem to
me, should depend on us -- That is, how much happened to be being offered at
the time. I do not think this little dance-tech world is yet to the point
where so many shows, products and services are going to be bombarding us
with offers.

When I offered our electrode sets for sale, for example, I did have some
mixed feelings, fearing that I might be somehow trespassing. But really a
lot of people responded and not only potential "customers". Many had tips
for us concerning technical aspects as some even concerning marketing. I
mean, we too must somehow survive in order to continue dance-tech-ing.

Robert Wechsler
Palindrome IMPG

PS: Seasons greetings to all I know,
as well as those I have yet to meet!
Ein guten Rutsch!

"Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit: Zšgernd kommt die Zukunft hergezogen,
pfeilschnell ist das Jetzt entflogen, ewig still steht die Vergangenheit."
- Schiller

>I passed the previous message from the folks at Credo through to the list
>because I know that LifeForms is a tool that many of us use, but it brings
>up another point about moderation (hopefully a less contentious one).
>I need some input from the subscribers. Under what conditions (if any) do
>people want to see advertisements on the list?
>My own inclination would be to allow occasional short advertisements about
>things (concerts, products, etc.) that are *directly* related to dance
>technology, but I am certainly open to suggestions.
>Scott Sutherland
>dance-tech moderator

Robert Wechsler and Helena Zwiauer Phone: (49) 911-397472
Palindrome Inter-media Performance Group Fax: (49) 911-397472
Johannisstr. 42
90419 NŸrnberg